Monday, December 18, 2006

One more thing that can really, really suck it

Colds. I flippin' HAAAAAAATE colds. I catch a cold, and it usually lasts a month. I fought off a cold for part of last week, but by Thursday afternoon, the kids in my classes watched me get sicker by the minute.

It started on Wednesday. Wednesday I was dragging ass all day. I just never woke up. Then Wednesday night I got *the tickle*. It's that sensation in the back of your throat that warns of impending doom. So I started slugging back Airborne and snorting Zicam every hour for the next 2 days. Neither of these things has ever really worked for me once I got the tickle. But I tried anyway. I got slammed hard by my cold on Thursday and Friday. Saturday sucked too. Yesterday, I got up at 1:30, saw that TNT was showing the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and laid on the couch watching it all day. I got up after the trilogy had started and went back to bed before it was over.

Now, I'm surprised to say that my cold is getting better. My head is clear and I can speak again, although not loudly or for more that 10 minutes at a time. I think that my aggressive attack, while not preventing my cold, has actually shortened it's duration as per the big print on the shiny boxes. I'm not trusting this completely. I'm not just knocking on wood when I say that I'm getting better. I'm pounding wood like a 13-year-old boy on a snow day. But I'm hoping this cold will be over before February.

So my cold is getting better. But colds in general can still suck it like a whore on trash day.

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