Wednesday, February 28, 2007

There. Is. A. REASON...

...that I do NOT choose to live in Oklahoma!

Today, it is February. FEBRUARY! I should not be on my THIRD tornado close-call of the calendar year. And I especially should not be expecting close-calls number four and five before morning.

I don't know who it is, but someone needs to be punched in the face for this. Like I said, if I enjoyed tornados, or if I enjoyed the company of people with no teeth, then I would have chosen to live in Oklahoma.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Know what else?

Things just got a little easier if you're a whore. Walmart started carrying your shoes!

Yep. Red "patent leather" peep toe platform skinny high heels. I can't decide whether the fake stack heel and platform make it better or worse. At only $18.82, you'll make your money back on your corner in no time!

Re: Fuck Walmart

Nevermind. No more "Fuck Walmart."

Them bitches finally got hula hoops.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I'll see your moms...

...and raise you the entire family! That's my dad, me, sister Annie, brother Tommy, brother Joe, and MOM! It was taken at the rehearsal dinner the night before my wedding.

My mom is the greatest. I don't have time to write a treatise on why my mom rocks, so I'll leave you with the greatest thing I learned from my mom. Her mother never showed her kids love when they were growing up. My mom can remember every single time that my grandmother told her that she loved her because it happened so few times. My mom taught me that the best way to love anybody is to let them know. She told me she wanted to make sure that she told us how much she loved us as often as she could so that we wouldn't grow up remembering each time as an occasion. Instead, we grew up with the knowledge that we were all truly loved.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Spring break? What's that?

Today, I slept in, went grocery shopping, and had a leisurely lunch with my husband instead of working. Why? Because today is my 9th snow day of the year. We had 2 in December, 5 in January, and 2 this week. Before this week, they had already ignored our priority of make-up days (which said we would make up all snow days at the end of the school year) and taken away Presidents' Day and three days of Spring Break, leaving us with only 2 days off for the entire remainder of the school year. Now that we've had these snow days this week, we'll probably lose what we had left. Which means I won't be able to go visit Lee in Springfield, IL, and I won't be able to stop on the way to Lee's to hang with Jennie and Ben before they leave for their cruise.

Stupid plan-ruining snow days.

Now all I can do is hold out hope that the superintendent will come to his senses, give back Spring Break, and add another week to the end of the school year.


Who let the dogs out?


Who wishes you'd quit fucking with the damn dogs and get a life?


Monday, February 12, 2007

Why I

I just presented my big project of the year to the school board this evening as part of their "student achievement" segment of their meeting. I impressed the shit out of the superintendent and all the building principals in my district.

The school board was not as impressed. Not because my job shadowing program isn't kick-ass, but because it's old news to them. Almost all of them have had a child or a grandchild come through my class, so they all knew about the program. And they all looooooooooooved it!

  • school board = impressed by something they already knew was good, but didn't realize I use it to cover a metric assload of objectives.
  • principals = all think I totally rock, and are jealous I'm not teaching in their building.
I'm a champion!

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Jennie has issued a challege to respond to a post called "Four things you may not have known about me." Everybody knows everything about me, so I shall call this one...

Four things you know about me, but may have forgotten.

A) Four jobs I have had in my life.
1. Church nursery worker
2. Day care/preschool teacher
3. Substitute teacher
4. 8th grade English teacher

B) Four movies I would watch over and over.
1. Psycho Beach Party
2. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
3. George of the Jungle
4. The Mummy movies

C) Four places I have lived
1. Redondo Beach, California
2. Odessa and Mequite, Texas
3. Raymore, Missouri
4. Holden, Missouri
That's all the places I've lived, unless you count college. Then we can add Kirksville and Columbia, Missouri

D) Four TV shows I love to watch
1. Heroes--Oh, shit! I'm glad we did this. I have a presentation to give the school board tomorrow night, and I'll probbly miss Heroes. I'll have to remember to record it.
2. Scrubs
3. Mythbusters
4. Project Runway

E) Four places I have been on vacation
I haven't been anywhere since I was a kid. I'm too poor for vacation. Why am I too poor for vacation? See section A about jobs.

F) Four of my favorite foods
1. Corn (No joke. I had an epiphany a few months back. Corn is my favorite food.)
2. Cheese
3. Chocolate
4. Meat

G) Four places I would like to be right now
1. Vegas
2. shopping
3. a new house
4. some place warm

H) Four people I think will respond
Nobody really reads my blog regularly but Jennie, and she's already done it.